
New York City


A snapshot of all scheduled public transportation services within the five Boroughs of New York City. New York City is one of the more intensively served public transportation networks in the world, featuring almost 60 thousand separate service (vehicle) trips each day. Hudson river services are excluded since these all link to New Jersey: Jersey City is not administratively part of New York City. Stop/station names have been excluded to minimise filesize.

Population is by 2010 census ZIP Code Tabulation Area, with crude boundary adjustments to include unzoned parks and port terminals within their nearest ZCTA. ZCTA only broadly reflect the natural catchment areas for public transportation services within the city, so analyse with care.

Caution: The New York City public transportation network rarely changes from week-to-week, and only selectively changes from year-to-year, so long after January 2019 this network snapshot is likely to look similar to some future network. However, such a snapshot should not be used if current accuracy is important. The snapshot should not be used to plan an actual journey. And certainly not without checking the results against current operator/agency publicity.

Live Demonstrations

Known Issues

Routes ending in loops may not necessarily show the complete loop from all stops.


The New York City dataset is a creative work of academic curiosity, a limited snapshot of one moment in history. The original creator makes no claim of ownership to any data therein, nor should be held responsible for its accuracy. Such can therefore be used as “freely” as its source: